Wednesday 31 October 2012

Augmented Reality

This is a long video but it gives a pretty accurate assessment of what life will be like when augmented reality becomes more prevalent, and cheaper.

Phone companies are already just starting to push into this category, they have already given us a glimpse of a phone running this software, and even a lens to see advertising that only exists in an "online" world.
This is very cool, but will it be too much? It's very possible that everyone will have technology similar to this soon, either through phones, or via  "Internet Eye-Wear". This could be too big of a change for some people, but if it became a regular thing would people always be distracted?

For companies this would also give them a giant opportunity to advertise literally EVERYWHERE! Imagine going for a walk down the city's street , only to be bombared with logo's taglines, and slogan in every inch of sight. Could this turn people away from buying a product like this?

Link here --->

So what are your views on this, are you eager to look at a world

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