Tuesday 6 November 2012

Well done, Redbull.

A few weeks ago, Felix Baumgartner  leaped from the edge of earth's atmosphere for Red Bulls guerrilla marketing campaign / event. The event wasn't only a success so was their feedback this event generated almost 10 millions total views on Youtube, and hundreds of thousands of unique visits to their Stratos Website.  Which was extremely well done, and  created a great anticipation for those who followed it. The site was very engaging and contained a lot of information about how the project came to be, and it's executions. The Red Bull Stratos site was very aesthetically pleasing, and very functional. They included the weather at the site of the jump every day for 1 month before the event, to gather people to pay attention and check in daily. They also had a competition where people could enter their name and select the co-ordinates where Felix was expected to land. There were 6 winners that estimated the closest position, and won a very expensive Brietling watch, what a nice perk for just entering your email.

Overall i thought this campaign was carried out very well, and deserves an ovation, not only for a man's will but the  5 years of planning that went into this.

When in doubt, time to rock out!

Since the event of Hurricane Sandy, that struck the east cost of the United states. The Red Cross was able to raise 23 million dollars from their benefit concert. Many brands got to air their name in their due to their effort in trying to relive the stress caused by the hurricane. After this all subsides i bet that their brand share in their category's will go up since the people that were affected will remember who brought them supplies when they needed it most.

Monday 5 November 2012

Internet Advertising - For What it's Worth

Some company's pay weekly to monthly premiums, others pay based on usage, and clicks. Even though usage and clicks seem low cost at rates based on site traffic. This could be very costly and dangerous if  they are put on the wrong sites.  But on higher ranking sites such as Youtube it could potentially be a smart move, but it has a lot more cons than people think.

Most larger companies who have been advertising at the beginning of many Youtube videos think that they're ads are effective and people want to watch them, but in reality only 5 % of ads are fully played through, and even though that still may be a lot of people viewing then, it doesn't mean that they are watching. I know that many people  just switch tabs, or leave their seat, and try and accomplish a small task before having to view a video. So is this really worth the companies money?

Personally i think that money spent on internet video could easily be put to something more efficient, and have more of a lasting impression with their target.

I would rather see a company advertise a small section beside related videos that are based on viewer habits, than a company throw money away on ads that could be skipped (most of which don't show the brand name until the end).

If you were to spend money on Internet Ads, how would you go about placing them?

Election Time - Ad Analysis

Election Attack Ads, Are They Working?

We all know that election time is very soon, and there is an excessive amount of TV advertising for various government propositions. I found myself stumbling across A lot of Attack Ads these last few weeks and had to ask myself, "Do people really believe any of this?". The ads were being run so frequently, and sometimes opposing ads were placed back-to-back; negating their effectiveness.

Especially when the ads were so poorly done, The ads would explain the Bill so briefly that it gave the competition no other choice but to throw any reason to not vote at them. A lot of the "Vote No" ads were very slanderous  and quite distasteful in my eyes. Like michigan's "No on Prop 6" where they showed the owner of the Ambassador bride joining as a cartoon, singing a song about how he loves money.

 They could have made these so much better, and a bit more informative.  These ads didn't even really give them a call to action to check the bill out either. A lot of people are finding these ads misleading.

With having that said, what would you recommend  they do to improve these ads?

Saturday 3 November 2012

Transit Ads

What kind of advertising would you like to see on the bus? I think it would be great for energy companies to place ads that inform people who take public transit other ways to lower their cost of living. It would help keep energy costs in their consumer's minds, and help them save money too. Especially when many of the people who take the bus, take it daily.  It will help people think that they are supporting a green way to save money ,and help the environment.

Friday 2 November 2012

A Great Site for All You Social Media Enthusiasts!

Social Media Examiner is a great site to learn about advertising, and different methods that people are using now. It's very current and up-to-date with a lot of great information to be found! A great bunch of people are behind this site and i highly recommend that you visit if you are interested in Advertising, Marketing, and Social media.

Here is a video that can be found right on their main page about how they grew to where they are now. Very interesting I'd like to hear what you have to say!


Wednesday 31 October 2012

Augmented Reality

This is a long video but it gives a pretty accurate assessment of what life will be like when augmented reality becomes more prevalent, and cheaper.

Phone companies are already just starting to push into this category, they have already given us a glimpse of a phone running this software, and even a lens to see advertising that only exists in an "online" world.
This is very cool, but will it be too much? It's very possible that everyone will have technology similar to this soon, either through phones, or via  "Internet Eye-Wear". This could be too big of a change for some people, but if it became a regular thing would people always be distracted?

For companies this would also give them a giant opportunity to advertise literally EVERYWHERE! Imagine going for a walk down the city's street , only to be bombared with logo's taglines, and slogan in every inch of sight. Could this turn people away from buying a product like this?

Link here --->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnRJaHZH9lo

So what are your views on this, are you eager to look at a world

Friday 26 October 2012

Data Mining

I bet at one point or another you had to include your email in some form, or site even though it seems pointless. Companies love your email because they can directly communicate with their consumers but i bet that most of us always just ignore those messages, and unsubscribe as soon as you think you're getting too much unnecessary emails. I don't really know why so many companies try to do this every chance they get, because if we all did this every time we had to we'd literally be getting emails every time of the day. To me i think it's a lot of wasted efforts. 
Do you think the same way?

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Youtube Campaigns

Should big brands spend less on traditional media and more on engaging & interactive video's?

As some of us know, Coca Cola doesn't spend much money on traditional media, because they are already well known, and consumers feel comfortable with their product & image.

They are very smart with their advertising, utilizing traditional media a bit differently, like placing ads on The Super Bowl,  only because big events like this have guaranteed views, and reach.  But it's not always about the ads for them either. Another smart move is their extensive product placement in movies, and TV shows, like American Idol.

Recently they have just released a Youtube Campaign for the new 007 movie. This video, or "Ad"  has over 7 million views. "And why?" you may ask, because it's interesting and engaging, and not even directly about their brand. They created a unique experience using guerrilla marketing, and web exposure tactics, to give something their consumers would find interesting , and enjoy watching. It's smart moves like this that will eventually secure market share for those brands in a dense category.

So what are your thoughts? Do you agree that conducting marketing campaigns a bit differently is a more effective way to spend money on advertising?

Friday 19 October 2012

Too Frequent, America!

These past few weeks that I've been watching tv i found my self watching a bit more spill from the states than I normally do.  There were several channels that were advertising same same 3 things on every commercial break,(Law Firms, Self Enhancement Products, and College's) yes it could be fitting to the target but, really? They should throw in at least a couple other commercials from more renown brands. just to save us the from seeing 5 different companies, or brands that have essentially the same commercial saying almost the same thing about their company every time there is a break. To me it's not effective at all and rather sad.

Do you agree?

Are the States and Canada really that different from each other?